Wednesday, December 29, 2010

United Way

Last November I finished up an internship at United Way and it was really awesome. Eloquent, eh? The really good thing is I can explain to people exactly what the United Way does. People know it's a non-profit, but how it works is they campaign and raise money on behalf of community organizations like Red Cross, Salvation Army and programs that help underprivileged kids. So, United Way gets people all jazzed about helping the community, collects their donations and then distributes it equally among their partner organizations. To break it down--the partner organizations use the United way much like a pimp uses a lady of the evening. United Way goes out into the streets, gets people excited and brings their money back to its pimp(Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc.) Did I just explain a non-profit organization with a pimp/prostitute metaphor? Why, yes. Yes I did.

I got the opportunity to do a lot of work on campaign materials. On their website they have stories of those who have been helped by United Way funded programs. I created some flyers that businesses can put up around the office or break room when they run their campaigns. Click to get a full view.

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